Dynamic Copyright Date

February 20, 2020 • , • Published By • 1 minute read

Are you tired of changing the copyright date on your website? Instead of changing the date manually every year, you can use a bit of code to automatically display the current year!

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Let’s start with creating a variable called date to hold the date object.

var date = new Date();

The date object provides a method called getFullYear. We can use that to get the current 4 digit year.

var year = date.getFullYear();

All that’s left now is to output the value somewhere on your page. In the below example, we’re looking for a unique id of copyright and setting its inner html to be the current year.



PHP makes it a little easier because you can pass in the format you’d like and echo the value anywhere you want it to appear on the page.

echo date('Y');
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Front End Developer
